Constant Ride (2020)

Film & Art | A film by Martin Reinhart, 8 min 44 sec

An irresistible city symphony in miniature, this inspiring love-letter to the gloriously crowded (!) streets of central Vienna follows an intrepid lone cyclist (between trams and queues of cars) executing a clockwise near-circuit of the Ringstrasse. A suspenseful reimagining of urban space, an invaluable time capsule and a superb deployment of the one-shot subgenre from the codirector of the similarly circular »tx-reverse 360°«.

Bicyclist: Ali Beckstein
Programming: Matthias Strohmaier
Camera: Martin Putz
Post production: Bernhard Schlick, Leonard Coster
Music: Siegfried Friedrich
Sound: Nina Slatosch
Titles: Eva Dertschei
© Martin Reinhart 2019

Supported by the Federal Chancellery (BKA) and
the Departement for the Arts, City of Vienna (MA7)


Blimp 1985-2001


Filmtechnik 1925-42 (2021)