Dreams Rewired (2015)

Film & Art | A film by Martin Reinhart, Manu Luksch & Thomas Tode – narrated by Tilda Swinton

The award winning documantary »Dreams Rewired« offers another perspective on media. A montage of films from the 1880s to the 1930s, many rare and previously unscreened, it traces contemporary appetites and anxieties back to the birth of the telephone, television and cinema. Its claim: that the social convulsions of today’s hyper-mediated world were already prefigured over 100 years ago, during the electric media boom of the late 19th century. Early electric media were as revolutionary as social media are now. They sparked a fervent utopianism in the public imagination; promising total communication, the annihilation of distance, an end to war. The technologies were to serve everyone, not just the elites. Through strengthening human relationships, increasing efficiency, and predicting the future, it would become possible to build a new world for all to share.

Find the synopsis and all the details on the »Dreams Rewired« webpage.


tx-mirror (2018)


Edmund Meisel (2015)